Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.
Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.
| testIfNewQueueIsEmpty | 0.00 |
| testIfQueueWithItemIsNotEmpty | 0.00 |
| testIfQueueWith100ElementsIsNotEmpty | 0.00 |
| testIfQueueWith50ElementsOccupies50Slots | 0.00 |
| testIfQueueWith100ElementsIsFull | 0.00 |
| testIfQueueWithRemovedElementsIsEmpty | 0.00 |
| testIfOfferToZeroSizedQueueFails | 0.00 |
| testIfRemoveLastFromEmptyFails | 0.00 |
| testIfPollFromEmptyQueueFails | 0.00 |
| testClearedQueueIsEmpty | 0.00 |
| testOfferAndPollPreservesElementsOrder | 0.00 |
| testOfferAndRemoveLastPreservesElementsOrder | 0.00 |
| testOfferZeroElementsLeavesQueueEmpty | 0.00 |
| testEnumerationOfEmptyQueueIsEmpty | 0.00 |
| testEnumerationOfNonEmptyQueueIsNonEmpty | 0.00 |
| testOfferAllPreservesElementsOrder | 0.00 |
| testIfOfferAllFailsOnItself | 0.00 |
| testIfEmptyCloneIsEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNonEmptyCloneIsNonEmpty | 0.00 |
| testIfCloneIsEqual | 0.00 |
| testPeekOnEmptyQueueReturnsNull | 0.00 |
| testPeekPreservesElementOrder | 0.00 |
| testIfObjectsAreArray | 0.01 |
| testArrayHashCode | 0.00 |
| testIndexOfFailsOnEmptyVector | 0.00 |
| testIndexOfFindsFirstItem | 0.00 |
| testComparingEmptyEnumsReturnsTrue | 0.00 |
| testComparingDifferentEnumsReturnsFalse | 0.00 |
| testComparingEqualEnumsReturnsTrue | 0.00 |
| testAddAllPreservesElementsOrder | 0.00 |
| testConversionOfPrimitiveArraysToEnumeration | 0.00 |
| testCloneCreatesNewObject | 0.00 |
| testCloneEqualToOriginal | 0.00 |